0. Important Information
1. General Information
The field of economics focuses on the efficient utilization of all resources to meet human needs, the enhancement of natural, monetary, and human resources to improve societal welfare, and the distribution of goods and services produced through these activities. Additionally, it encompasses education and research on economic issues at both national and international levels. As an applied field of economics, the Department of Economics offers students courses in economic theory, policy, history, economic development, international economics, statistics, and econometrics. In addition to these specialized fields, students also receive instruction in mathematics, public finance, and taxation.
The Master’s Program in Economics aims to train economists who possess comprehensive knowledge in both theoretical and applied economics, can closely follow economic and social developments at both national and global levels, analyze sectoral and macroeconomic data to make informed predictions, and meet the demands of society and the business world. Furthermore, the program seeks to pioneer scientific activities that expand the research horizon of economic science.
The program is designed to equip students with the necessary tools, concepts, principles, and methods to understand economics and analyze economic phenomena. Graduates are expected to develop strong analytical thinking, scientific inquiry, and problem-solving skills while gaining self-confidence, effective communication abilities, and a disciplined work ethic. The ultimate goal is to ensure that graduates stand out in the increasingly globalized labor market and secure employment opportunities in various fields. To achieve this objective, the curriculum covers all aspects of economics and includes courses from related disciplines such as business administration, statistics, mathematics, econometrics, public finance, law, and sociology.
2. Qualification
Students who successfully complete the program are awarded a Master’s Degree in Economics. Graduates of the Department of Economics earn the title of Master of Science in Economics.
3. Level of Qualification
Master’s Degree
4. Admission and Enrollment Terms
All faculty and four-year college graduates can apply for the Master’s Degree Program in Economics. For graduates of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences and other faculties 20 quotas and for other faculties and colleges 10 quotas are allocated. Graduates of different faculties who did not receive an adequate level of courses in economics are subject to an academic program that lasts 2 semesters.
In addition, candidates must have the followings:
Equal Weight ALES score at least 55
KPDS or UDS score must be at least 40.
During the consideration of enrollment, the overall score of the applicant is calculated by the following scheme: ALES 50 %, 25% of UDS or KPDS, and 25% GPA.
5. Recognition of Former Education
Recognition of prior non-formal learning in the Turkish higher education institutions (vertical, horizontal, and transitional) within the university is determined by the Board of Higher Education, which is made under “SWITCHING BETWEEN SHORT AND UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMS OF HIGHER EDUCATON INSTITUTIONS, DOUBLE MAJOR, MINOR AND CREDIT TRANSFER BETWEEN CORPORATE ACTION ON BASIS OF REGULATION”.
6. Competency Requirements and Terms
The Department of Economics Master's Degree program consists of a total of 9 courses, a seminar course, and a field course to take during the thesis work. The seminar course, field course, and thesis work are non-credit courses for which students are evaluated as successful or unsuccessful. To obtain the Master's Degree students are required to have a total of 27 credits, and complete the seminar course, field course, and a thesis work successfully.
7. Objectives of the Program
Master's Degree Program Objectives;
Providing a better level of scientific and research activities.
Addressing the needs of people who desire to specialize in areas of economics,
Training academic staff needed with the growth of the department and other related departments of universities,
Transferring the experience gained in graduate study to Ph.D. program in the department,
To realize these objectives, not only the basic economic problems but also the scientific and technological developments in our country and the world are closely monitored by the department members. To reflect these developments to students, the department members often open new courses in their areas of expertise and identify new theses, seminars, and projects.
The academic staff has the qualification to adjust themselves with the necessary changes related to curriculum and research corresponding to changing country and world conditions and recent trends and developments in our field.
8. Program Competencies (Learning Outcomes)
Defining the problems faced with an analytical approach, taking decisions to solve the problems, and implementing the solutions.
Following the technological developments in the field to improve herself/himself continuously using computer and information technology.
Inclined to teamwork and having the ability to communicate effectively in professional and social aspects.
9. Careers
There are currently 83 students enrolled in our department. In addition, one of the students who graduated from the Department of Economics is employed in the department as a research assistant, while others are employed in different departments of various private and public sector organizations, particularly banks.
Graduates can be employed in institutions and organizations from all sectors in economic activities, also work as an expert in state economic planning and execution institution. While employment opportunities are quite spacious, there is a chance to have a career in banking, domestic and foreign trade, and auditing fields. In addition, facilities are also available to make an academic career in the field of economics.
10. Further Study
Candidates who completed the Master's Degree successfully on condition that taking a necessary ALES score, or equivalent examinations, and having an adequate level of foreign language knowledge can continue graduate-level education in their own field or related fields.
11. Testing, Measurement and Evaluation
The Department of Economics Master's Degree program consists of a total of 9 courses, a seminar course, and a field course to take during the thesis work. The seminar course, field course, and thesis work are non-credit courses for which students are evaluated as successful or unsuccessful. To obtain the Master's Degree, students are required to have a total of 27 credits, and complete the seminar course, field course, and a thesis work successfully.
An evaluation and assessment method for each course is defined in "Course Information Form" in detail.
12. Graduation Requirements
Graduation requirements are as described in the section of "Qualification Requirements and Regulations".
13. Manner of Study