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Department of Economics

About Us

In the Department of Economics at Eskisehir Osmangazi University, we aim to lead scientific activities that broaden our horizons in economics research. We also aim to educate economists who scrutinize how should be the resource limitation and usage of people, organizations, and countries; who have necessary and sufficient information about the theoretical and practical areas of economics; who closely follows developments and events in our country and the world; who are able to participate discussions and evaluations in economics by using data of sectors and countries; who are needed by society and business world. We conduct training and research activities on economic issues at the national and international levels, such as using resources efficiently to meet human needs; increasing the welfare of society by enhancing the natural, monetary, and human resources; distributing goods and services fairly based on all these activities.

In our department, It is specifically aimed that our students have the necessary tools, concepts, principles, and methods for comprehending the theory of economics and the analysis of economic events. In addition, our graduates are educated to be individuals who are capable of analytical thinking, scientific inquiry and problem solving, confident, able to express, self-disciplined; who easily find a place for themselves in various fields of employment by becoming prominent in the labor market where competition is becoming global. In line with these objectives, the curriculum of our undergraduate program not only covers all aspects of the economics theory but also includes courses in business administration, statistics, mathematics, econometrics, finance, law, and sociology. Moreover, there are some opportunities offered by our department, which are double major and minor programs for students who wish to obtain detailed information in one of the scientific fields and Master's and Ph.D. programs for graduates who wish to specialize in economics.

The basic courses of economics are taught by professional instructors from diverse sub-departments such as Economic Theory, Economic Policy, Economic History, and Economic Development and International Economics. The 1st curriculum is designed to provide the students with the foresight in economics and other scientific fields. In the 2nd and 3rd year courses, the methods and approaches that constitute the theoretical background of economics are given in detail. Beginning from the 3rd year, students are offered elective courses that broaden their economic perspectives and give them the ability to comprehend and interpret current economic developments. In addition, senior students prepare research theses in the fields of interest in economics. In this way, they gain competence in the scientific research method, the transformation of economic theories into practice, and scientific ethical rules.

The aim of the undergraduate program is to educate students on the basic principles of economics and to enable them to be successful in the private and public sectors. Furthermore,  our students are targeted to graduate as individuals who are capable of keeping up with the changes in the world; who develop decision-making skills, who can produce and share knowledge, who possess the technology, analytical thinking, and problem-solving skills. Thus it will be possible to raise economic leaders in shaping the future of Turkey and the world.

It is crucial for the department that individuals are able to gain the knowledge, experience and skills theoretically and practically, can apply them to every step of business and economic processes, can be prone to teamwork & sharing, understood the importance of natural resources of the country and have professional ethics.

Positions of Our Graduates

Graduates of the Department of Economics receive the title of Economist. Graduates can be employed in institutions and organizations in all sectors engaged in economic activities, and can also work as experts in economic planning and enforcement institutions of the state. The job opportunities are quite wide such as banking, domestic and foreign trade, auditing, and management. There are also opportunities for an academic career in Economics.

Occupational Profiles of Graduates: Academician, European Union Specialist, Bank Examiner, Government Budget Specialist, Foreign Trade Specialist, Financial Analyst, Revenue Controller, Customs and Trade Specialist, Treasury Specialist, Account Specialist, Administrative Judge, Human Resources Specialist, District Governor, Fiscal Inspector, Central Bank Specialist, Marketing Specialist, Planner, Auditor of the Court of Accounts, Independent Accountant and Financial Specialist, CMB Expert, Tax Inspector, Certified Public Accountant.

Institutions Employing Our Graduates: Central Bank, Undersecretariat of Treasury, CMB, Borsa İstanbul, Undersecretariat of Foreign Trade, TurkStat, SPO, BRSA, EMRA, Competition Board, Universities, Court of Accounts, Independent Audit Institutions, Ministries, Banks and Financial Institutions, Intermediary Institutions, All Private Institutions and Organizations, International Organizations, Multinational Companies.

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Announcements in Turkish

Please check the announcements section on the Turkish website of the Department of Economics to access all announcements.

Announcements in Turkish